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Beat the heat and have a blast with your family and friends at our 5th Annual Summer Splash: August 13, immediately following service!
Come join us and invite a friend to enjoy fun in the sun, epic water play and a blast of time! Our intent for this event is for families and friends to have fun together and build connections with people at Connection Point and in the South Bay.
What to Expect
Potluck (Hamburgers, Hotdogs, Sides, and Dessert Items)
Large waterslide for children and parents to enjoy
Kiddie pools for little ones to swim
Squirt guns & a bubble station
What to Bring
Swimming Suits
Water shoes or Sandals (this event will be held on a blacktop)
Your favorite and easy to make dish
Extra pair of clothes
Plastic Bags (for wet clothing)
If you have questions or concerns about this event, please contact us at