The Best of our Devotion (Malachi 2:1-17)
We're continuing in our series studying the last book of the Old Testament, Malachi, picking up in Chapter 2 starting from verse 1 and reading through verse 17.
In Ch 2, God's people ask the question: "How have we wearied You [God]?" and He responds with a call to honor his name, carry out his work, and care for his people. Ultimately, God calls his people to repentance so they can live out their call to live fully devoted to him.
That same call is true for us today. Let's learn more about this, together!
Leading with Others - Complimentary Ministry
How can we lead with others? Titus 3:12-15 outlines how: by working with and complimentary each other in ministry. Ministry simple means to serve. From our text, Pastor Dusty outlines three ways we can lead well with others:
1. Affirm What is Profitable (v. 8)
2. Avoid What is Unprofitable (v.9)
3. Confront the Divisive (v. 10-11)
The Best of our Resources (Malachi 3:1-15)
In this message, we're examining Malachi 2 - 3, focusing on how God calls us to give Him the best of our resources. Let's step into this call by learning and applying this passage of scripture, so we can accurately and genuinely reflect Jesus Christ to each person we encounter.
Leading with Wisdom - Recognizing the Tactics of the Enemy
Leadership is influence. Therefore, we are all leaders. As followers of Jesus Christ, we are called to use our influence for God’s glory through wisdom and discernment, Titus 3:8-11 reminds of the 3 very important truths:
1️⃣ We are called to live in unity (v8)
2️⃣ We are called to be different not divisive (v9)
3️⃣ We are called to be discipline not destructive (v10-11)
Leading with Character - Embracing Servant Leadership
In terms of leadership and magnifying the impact of our influence for the glory of God and the advancement of the gospel, Titus 3v1-8 reminds of 3 very important truths:
1️⃣ Our lifestyle is our testimony — and our testimony matters
2️⃣ The Challenge is clear — we must bear Christ’s winsomeness to those in opposition to Him
3️⃣ The Gospel is our hope — it is the only power available to meet God’s demands
Leading with Grace - Propagating the power of grace
So often what is taught or presented regarding grace is incomplete, some would call “cheap grace”. We are presented or taught only about the forgiveness of sins and so we think that grace stops there - that grace stops at salvation. Yet here we see that from the Apostle Paul that grace teaches us and empowers us to live for God.
Leading by Example - Demonstrating Godliness
In this message, we examine Titus 2:1-10. From this chapter, Paul explains how, as Christians, we are to lead by example. In this section, Paul touches provides standards Christians in every season of life, from the younger generation to the older generation to the workplace. In each season of life, we are to become more like Christ and reflect more and more Him every day.
Leading with Courage - Confronting Error
In this message, we're examine Titus 1:10-16. From this chapter, Paul warns Titus and the people he will be speaking to about the deceptive teaching people were sharing during that time. Through this warning, we learn that when we are sound in faith and understand the simplicity of the Gospel we recognize the need for correction while maintaining hope for the sinner.
Leading with Effect - Duplicating Success
In this message, we're examine Titus 1:5-9. From this passage of scripture, we learn the what, the who, and the why of Paul's letter to Titus. Studying these verses, we can takeaway that a Christian leader’s example demonstrates to others the gospel and its power are real.
Anticipation - Living With Heaven In Mind
In this message, we examine the last chapter of Zechariah. Our intent for studying this book is to move forward in God's design for our lives.
From this final chapter of Zechariah, we can hold onto two key truths in light of Christ's return:
🔑 We must remember that we are "in the world but not of the world."
🔑 We must remain under God's grace.
Purification - My Sheep Hear My Voice
We’re continuing through the book of Zechariah with the intent of moving forward in God’s design.
1) The Fountain of Purification (v. 1)
2) Cleansed From Idolatry and False Prophets (v. 2-6)
3) The Shepherd Savior (v. 7-9)
Vision - A Kingdom; the gates of hell will not prevail
We’re continuing through the book of Zechariah with the intent of moving forward in God’s design.
1) Physical Salvation
God keeps his promise, remembers and strengthens His people, and makes the impossible, possible.
2) Spiritual Salvation
While physical salvation is encouraging and really speaks to the goodness of God, it is our spiritual/eternal salvation that is of utmost importance.
God will pour out the Holy Spirit upon the people which leads to God’s saving grace (unmerited favor) and repentance of sin.
Wisdom - The Cost of Rejection
We’re continuing through the book of Zechariah with the intent of moving forward in God’s design. In this message, Pastor Ryan Uno takes us through chapter 11, where God reveals to Zechariah that one day He will remove His grace upon those who reject the Good Shepherd. Studying this text reminds and compels us to live in remembrance of Christ and do all things for His fame and His glory.
Assurance - Promise of the Coming King
In this message, we’re studying Zechariah 9:1-17 with a focus on the promise of the coming King, Jesus. As we examine this passage, let’s remember the goal for this series: to move forward in God’s design and see how God’s design relates to Jesus’ first coming, our lives impacted by Jesus, and Jesus’ second coming.
Perseverance - Blessings of Staying the Course
From this passage, we are reminded of God's thoughts and love toward us. God has a special place in His heart for us that can only be fulfilled by us living in personal relationship with Him. Also, throughout this section, we see the extent of how much God loves us through His working through fulfilled prophecy and our every day lives.
From our time together, our goal is that we be everything God has created us to be by surrendering to Him and letting Him accomplish what He wants in and through our lives.